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Do I Really Need to Floss Every Day?

Do I Really Need to Floss Every Day?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeeeesssss! You do need to floss every day. In fact, you should floss at least once a day if not twice a day. “But,” I can hear you say, “flossing is so inconvenient!” “It takes too much time out of my morning.” If you find that adding an extra couple of minutes to your morning or evening ritual is adding too much hassle, then we would suggest combining flossing with another activity you already do every morning or evening. Examples that work with flossing are showering, watching the weather or your favorite television show, checking your cell phone or your calendar. Combining an existing activity with flossing your teeth will make the extra time required suddenly not so time-consuming. Problem solved! Go forth and floss away! Sorry, mouth rinse can be useful but it doesn’t count as flossing no matter what the commercials say.
Making smiles happen,
Your Davidson Family Dentistry team

Posted November 23rd, 2015